Friday, September 30, 2005
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- Disaster Test!
- Busy, Busy, Busy
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- Turn Out The Lights!
- The Loneliness Beast
- Chop, Chop!
- "They Call Me Mellow Yellow"

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- Jane Doe's Musings
- A Big Fat Slob
- Who Hijacked Our Country
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- From The Left
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- Funky Town Fighter

If that is a real picture and not a photoshop is hilarious.
As a truck driver, I can relate to the picture.
Not only does it combine good photography and humor....
It made me laugh.
You would be amazed at the pictures I could share, if my eyes were a camera, and I could share with you the unique sights that only a truck driver sees.
I drive 400 miles, 5 days a week, 47 weeks a year, (since I am an old worn out truckdriver, I get a lot of vacation time) the same roads to the same place, but I have a wealth of memories of the things I have seen from behind the semi's steering wheel, looking through the windshield at the world.
Like your blog, come back to Sanity's Bluff anytime.....
Thanks for the great comments "web loafer". I have no doubt that you've probably seen some cool stuff traveling around like that.
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