Tuesday, September 27, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Bible Thumper
- Right Fright
- Turn Out The Lights!
- The Loneliness Beast
- Chop, Chop!
- "They Call Me Mellow Yellow"
- A Fanatic is a Fanatic!
- Liberal Patriots!
- Cockadoodledoo!
- Matchbox, Lincoln Logs & Marbles

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Blogs I Like
- People In The Sun
- Let's Talk
- Chapterhouse
- Stuperhero Extraordinaire
- Brad's Brain
- EL
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- After The Vote
- Gay, Christian & Confused
- Life at the Edge
- Jane Doe's Musings
- A Big Fat Slob
- Who Hijacked Our Country
- Morning Martini
- Defenceless Queerling
- From The Left
- D.C. Podhaskie
- Political Realm
- Funky Town Fighter

That's So Cute!!!
Yeah I thought so too. Thanks for the comment.
I am going to snatch this photo and use it at a forum, where a friend of mine has the handle.....mighty mouse...she's from Scotland, she'll have a laugh, and that is what life is about. Humor, fun and equality. You are welcome to laugh at my lifemold, and I'll do the same.
We all were poured out as a batter into a special mold of God's, and turned out different, but the same.
No one is alike, and I still love to look upon my fellow travelers on this globe. We are diverse, but we all breathe the same air....so we are the same.......period.
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