Saturday, September 10, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Can't buy me Love
- "Quote Me"
- Egads
- Hangover
- Gay Christian?!
- Pillsbury Dough Dyke
- Leo
- Blah, Blah, Blah
- Silent Scream
- Shrub Shearing

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Blogs I Like
- People In The Sun
- Let's Talk
- Chapterhouse
- Stuperhero Extraordinaire
- Brad's Brain
- EL
- Liberal Delight
- After The Vote
- Gay, Christian & Confused
- Life at the Edge
- Jane Doe's Musings
- A Big Fat Slob
- Who Hijacked Our Country
- Morning Martini
- Defenceless Queerling
- From The Left
- D.C. Podhaskie
- Political Realm
- Funky Town Fighter

Leo--thanks for the comment on my cartoon/commentary blog---I appreciated it---and---sharing your blog site. Liked the quotes--particularly Sharon Stone's. Also enjoyed the Gay Christian piece. Wish I could be more consistant in working at it, lilke you, but have been nursing a fractured wrist and rib.
If you are interested in more political cartoons,search: Bill Sanders cartoonist---and click on "U.S. Bank blah blah" They are sponsoring the on line exhibit. Meanwhile, keep up the good work!
Love this photo! It reminds me of the photo on a card I sent to a good friend whose father had just passed away. I thought it would be a nice change from sad kittens and make her laugh. We're still friends, so it must have worked out.
Thanks for stopping by my blog - good list!
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