Toad Man

Have you ever met someone and your first thought is, "you seem nice, but I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you"? I don't meet those type of people very often, but when I do I trust my gut instinct. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to have that same warning bell in their gut. My one cousin, we'll call her Lisa, is a good example of someone who doesn't have a warning bell and instead seems to have a homing beacon for finding every jerk within a hundred miles.
Her first husband, a very charming guy, turned out to be a drug addict who abused her and ruined her credit. There have been a few other examples of her penchant for choosing bad boys. My reason for bringing this up is I recently met her new boyfriend. He's decent looking and polite, but I just have a bad feeling about him. I don't think this frog is any prince. The question is, should I try to warn her or just mind my own business?
hmmm...there is only so much you can do. She is going to do whatever she wants anyway. My roomie is a magnit for the SAME crap. I've seen a lot of shit go down. I've stepped in when I thought was appropriate but I got shot down. Now there is just awardness cause she chose to stay with the jerk anyway. He hates me and now she is starting too.
I just don't get why she would want to stay with someone that treats her like that when she could have someone who treats her like a princess.
Her prince will come along someday...
Yeah you're exactly right. I know she won't listen, but it's hard standing by and watching someone you care about get with an a**hole.
I don't understand why they stick around for these jerks either. Thanks for the comment.
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