Monday, June 25, 2007
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Animals freak me out, but I'll say it's a newborn armadillo. Just a guess.
Ajooja, well if animals freak you out I imagine this one gave you the heebee geebees, so to speak-lol. A baby armadillo seems like a good guess to me. I don't know what it is. Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
Its so ugly its cute! I think its a rodent of some sort, it has ears like one maybe a big hamster or guinea pig?
I am gonna do some looking around on the net and I will let if I find out for sure what it is.
Um, a guinea pig?
baby tapir?
I give up.
Jenn & Candace, evidently you gals know your hairless animals, because I have just been informed, by a somewhat reliable source, that it is in deed a hairless, guinea pig! Thanks for the guesses everyone!
Bloody ugly.
6000, well they do look better with fur I have to say. Thanks for dropping by.
I have seen baby armadillos and this isn't one. Poor little thing looks so helpless and perhaps cold.
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