Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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- Squirrel Goes Nuts!
- So, Who's Your Horse?
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- Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'Gay Bomb'
- The Likeability Factor
- Poll: Most Americans Back Immigration Legislation
- Hee Hee, Ha Ha
- Powell: Guantanamo Prison Should Be Closed
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Hey! Thx for stopping by. I linked to u, since I really like ur site as well:) One of my faves actually.
Unfortunately that cartoon is too true to be funny!
If President Bush was truly pro-life, why did he—(and other research opponents) take hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from tobacco special interest groups? Tobacco has the potential to end lives; but embryonic stem cell and somatic cell nuclear transfer research have the potential to save lives.
How could Pres. Bush allow his campaign to be funded by the makers of tobacco that contains a dangerous drug that causes addiction in children? and, how could he send troops into a war to be maimed and killed, and then veto a bill to provide federal funding for research that might very well help those soldiers recover when they return home? And, he says he is "pro-life?
Y Perry
Oh the photo is great Leo!
Everytime I think that man couldn't be a bigger wanker, he does something like this and I go, shit, it can get worse.
Mialicious, cool! Thanks I appreciate that. Yvonne, yeah you make some great points, he's a pro-hypocrite! Thanks for the comment.Let's Talk, glad you liked it. Thanks! Raven, I used to feel the same way, but at this point I'm not surprised by anything this idiot does! Thanks for dropping in and commenting.
That cartoon just about took my breath away. Great find!
How the hell are we going to get through the next 18 months ...
It breaks my heart to see yet another veto of this legislation.
Oh, quit picking on Dumbya. He's very consistent in his beliefs. Fetuses and stem cells are sacred, but once you've been born you're just cannon fodder.
Who Hijacked Our Country
Candace, I wonder sometimes if we will get through the next 18 months-without another war or God knows what! Tom, Lol-good one! Thanks for the comments!
Yep. One day this whole nightmare will be over and we'll all be able to appreciate the irony of this man.
People in the sun, I sure hope that one day I can look back and just laugh at George W. because all the trouble he caused is over and things have been put right in our country once more. Here's hoping! Thanks for the comment.
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