Wednesday, May 30, 2007
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I must confess that I drive a 05 SUV that is paid for and I don't want anymore debt right now in this "great " economy.
I made a few trips recently by vehicle and I must say that the money I spent on gas was unbelievable.
I could have rented a small compact or taken my other car, but I enjoy the ride and comfort that the SUV provides.
I remember in 2000, when I first purchased a SUV there was a wide open comfort that brought me to love the space and "gas" wasn't as bad as now.
There was a time when I could ride forever it seems on the gas I put in the compact car I drove in the 90's. I now need the space and comfort... I am a little stiff and a lot older now and I remember the days...
Yeah, I can understand your feelings, suvs are nice to drive. My last car was a honda crv and I loved it. I am seriously considering buying a hybrid next however, mostly for the environment and because I love the idea of sticking it to the big oil companies!-hee Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Yeah, I can understand your feelings, suvs are nice to drive.
With the exception of a 2.5 year stint from 2002 through 2005. I've lived without a car since 1996. You want to talk liberating. Being carless is liberating--not easy to do--but a huge nubmer of headaches that I don't have.
That said... I belong to a car-share service that has hybrids, and they're grrreeeeeaaaaattttt!
Serves em right for buying a big car, Rotten, spoiled children, anyway.
Kvatch, Carless huh? Do you live in a moderate to large city? I just wondered, because the area I'm in is quite rural and going without a car would be very difficult since we don't have any public transportation close by. Thanks for the comment and the hybrid recommendation.
Oops sorry Doug, but I didn't forget you, thanks for your comment too, it was funny!
I live in a growing rural county in Georgia and there are no public transportation. A car is needed just to get to a store here.
Ahhh...I see, Let's Talk, well then I tip my hat to you for managing to do what not many people can.
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