Monday, May 28, 2007
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- Cows & Politics Explained!
- Our Leaders Have Failed America!
- Report: Administration Was Warned of Iraq War Dangers
- Name That Animal!
- What Brings You Joy?
- Any Soldier Inc.
- Iraq
- N.J. Considers End To Death Penalty
- Here I Am!
- Blair: Seizure of UK Troops by Iran 'Very Serious'

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Very true statement and we Americans have no way of knowing just how bad things are in Iraq.
See: Fallen.
Thanks for the comment and the link, let's talk, it was a good article.
Great blog you have here leo, I've finished reading most of your post's and decided to add you to my Blog Links, if that's ok with you.
Thanks let's talk, that would be great. I like your blogs too and will add you to my links as well.
Leo, I'm adding you to my blogroll, as well.
Nice blog I just found it and will make it a regular view.
Larry, thanks! Please do stop back.
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