Spreading the True Christmas Spirit!

Anyway, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love presents. Obviously, getting cool stuff is always nice, but I honestly find more joy in giving a gift to someone and watching their eyes light up when they open it. This is especially great with children. I don’t have any kids of my own, but I love to shop for my cousins children, because as I may have mentioned-hee I’ve never completely grown-up and buying toys is the most fun.
The only thing that mires my joy at Christmas is knowing that sadly there are many families out there who can’t afford to give their kids a tree, or holiday meal or even one special present that will bring that sparkle into their eyes. I find that truly heartbreaking. I think every child deserves a little magic in their lives especially at Christmas. I hope that if any of you out there agree with me and want to help spread the true spirit of Christmas you’ll consider contacting your local Salvation Army and joining their Christmas adopt a family program. It’s a very good charity organization, which thoroughly screens its applicant families and chooses from the neediest. Typically, only 40% of the needy families that apply get adopted, due to a lack of willing donors, so the need is great. If you can afford to do it, please consider helping. I’ve participated in this program over the last few years, and I can tell you these families are truly poor and usually ask for such necessities as coats, hats, gloves, boots, blankets etc. for their children. Ok, thanks for listening to my plea and if you’re interested you can find out your local Salvation Army contact info.here http://www.salvationarmyusa.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769)
I don't think you got the liberal memo. We're supposed to be starting up our "war on Christmas" right about now.
I'm actually working on my rockin' Christmas cd. Lots jazz, indie stuff. Good times.
Damn you're right I must have missed that memo!-lol I meant to say, I hate Christmas--Bah-Humbug-hee Cool deal on the cd. I actually am so odd that I hum Christmas music all year long. I get some funny looks in June, let me tell ya. Thanks for the comment Brad.
Happy Christmaka to all!
The Salvation Army program is great, been there done that ect. People should really check into it, when folks are asking for coats as their big Christmas present, there seems to be some inbalance with kids getting $300 iPods.
Thanks anon!
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