Thursday, November 23, 2006
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- Humble Pie?
- Conservative Blog B.S. (Part 2)
- Checkers Anyone?!
- Burger King Served Pot Burgers to Cops
- Iraq; the Vietnam of This Generation?
- Super Hero Extraordinaire
- Unlikely Couple Forms Gay/Lesbian Support Group
- Attorney General Wades Into Wire-tapping Fray
- It Can't Come Soon Enough!
- O.J.'s Accomplices!

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- People In The Sun
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- Life at the Edge
- Jane Doe's Musings
- A Big Fat Slob
- Who Hijacked Our Country
- Morning Martini
- Defenceless Queerling
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- D.C. Podhaskie
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Bummer about the car....hope you yourself are okay. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Sorry about the car, been there done that :/
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Sorry to ehar about the car ..... hope you manage to enjoy some of the day.
Thanks to everyone for the comments, sympathies and concern. I'm fine and what the heck it's just a car. The important thing is no one was hurt. Thanks again!
Bummer about the car..I so understand how totaling a beloved set of wheels can damage the physche but are 'you alright? Fingers crossed you are..and that somehow the car will be replaced or fixed. Although 'totaled' usually means just that.
Happy Thanksgiving week-end to you despite the bummer.
Mary, yes it is definitely a bummer, but life goes on and I'm just happy to be in one piece. Thanks for dropping by and commenting.
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