Sunday, September 18, 2005


Man, I'm a huge Notre Dame football fan and that game today against Michigan State about killed me. I didn't start watching until halftime at which point Michigan St. was up by a touchdown. Well of course as soon as I tune in Mich. St. goes on a tear and scores two more t.d.s off turnovers. So then Notre Dame makes an amazing comeback and scores three touchdowns to send it into overtime and I'm going nuts! My dogs are wondering if I've lost my mind or what. N.D. scores a field goal in overtime and then precedes to let M.State score a t.d. and win---aaaarrggghhh!! It was a heartbreaker, but what a good game. I'm psyched about N.D.s' new coach. He really seems to have the team pumped up for the first time in God knows how many years.
The U of Miami, Clemson game rocked too. I was flipping back and forth cause both games were so great. Triple overtime, but dammit it wasn't my day cause the Miami Hurricanes pulled it out in the end, and I hate that team. My best friend graduated from U. of Miami and we're competitive about everything. She never lets me hear the end of it when Miami has a good season.


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