Tuesday, June 05, 2007
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It kinda looks like something from the movie Labryinth, but I think its a bat on crack.....no seriously I think I it might be some kind of lemur the have the same kind of face I think??? I am off to search animal planets website.
OMG it looks just like my ex's mother! Hehehe
Oscar and Jane, Thanks for the comments, very funny stuff. Truthfully, I'm not sure what it is, it may well be a part of the lemur family, I myself was reminded of a drug addled Whitney Houston when I saw it-hee, cruel but true!
That thing is NASTY!!!
Oh, how adorable !!
must be a smurf !
I think it is adorable in a very nasty way and may possibly be a smurf who has survived a nuclear disaster-hee! Thanks for all the comments everyone.
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