Saturday, March 10, 2007
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spiny anteater?
No, sorry, but good guess. Thanks for playing!
If it doesn't already have a name, I vote for molecupine.
Great contest! I don't know either, but maybe a woodpecker?
It certainly looks a lot like an echidna, but the colors are all wrong and the spines don't look right. I'm leaning toward something of the order pilosa (i.e. sloths and anteaters) but I can't find anything like that. But it could be another monotreme like an echidna.
Well we've had some interesting guesses! This has been up for a few days so I'll put you guys out of your misery and let you know it's a Tenrec.
Tenrecs are unusual insectivores that have radiated into ecological niches filled in other lands by hedgehogs, mice, shrews, opossums, and even otters. While a few species of tenrec are found in central Africa, they are most diverse in Madagascar, which has around 30 species. Thanks for playing everyone!
A tenrec? I shoulda known! OK, not so much but I still wanted to look smart.
I noticed that it has four feet right after I left comment. Not many species of woodpecker do.
Well Doug you were close with the woodpecker guess-lol! Thanks for the comment.
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