Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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Picture perfect!
Of course, those eyes will dry soon. With Dubyah, Dick, and Alberto still firmly entrenched in their respective positions, jihadist recruitment will still go up before we notice any decline.
BTW, I'm sure you've seen the news (http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/11/14/D8LCTCSG0.html) about South Africa's legalization of same-sex marriage. South Africa, for Chrissakes!!! Who'd have ever thought we'd be admiring - or, worse yet, lagging behind - the land of apartheid as a champion of basic civil rights?
Yeah I'm afraid you're right about that Bob. As long as we have the rest of Bush and his cronies, recruitment will never lag much. Yeah I did see that about South Africa. It says it all about how far behind the times America is when it comes to gay rights! Thanks for the comment. Stop back anytime.
Absolutely love the cartoon. I agree with Bob though, recruitment will not decrease as long as Dubya and the boys are still around.
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